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Amethyst - Tears of Beauty

May 09, 2009 0 comment

Amethyst - Tears of Beauty

Exclusive Summary About Amethyst Jewelry by Nigel Makin

The Amethyst Gemstone is a semi-precious jewelry of violet or purple colour that is available in many different shapes and sizes and is a common form of transparent crystallized Quartz.

The purple colouring of the Amethyst is caused by impurities of iron and manganese.

Amethyst compliments both warm and cool colours so it does look good set in white and yellow metals, many of today's designers favour the Amethyst as the ideal Gemstone for use in Jewelry because of it's royal colouring and the sheer variety of shapes and sizes available to use.

Stones from South America tends to be available in larger sizes than African Amethyst but the African offerings have a reputation for better, more saturated colours in the smaller sizes. Because Amethyst Gemstones were thought to encourage celibacy and symbolize piety, the stones were very important in the ornamentation of Catholic churches in the middle ages.

Amethyst Jewelry and the Benefits of Wearing Purple

Exclusive Summary About Amethyst Jewelry by Adele wilson

Have you ever noticed how rare and special the color purple is? That is the color of the gemstone Amethyst, and it is fitting that its color is so special. Purple is the color that evokes our highest spiritual energy, and that is why in ancient times this color was largely reserved for the cloaks and robes of royalty and clergy.

Greek mythology attributes the purple color of this stone to the tears of Dionysis, the god of wine and festivities. In the world of gemstones, the most beautiful hues of purple are found in Amethyst.

The color purple activates this energy center, this Higher Self, and helps you align with its Purpose. Wearing an Amethyst necklace with matching earrings is a perfect way to bring this color into your life and to attune to your Higher Self.

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