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Premier Design Jewelry

January 28, 2010 2 comment

premier design jewelry

Exclusive summary about Premier Jewelry by David James Boozer

Premier Design Jewelry was 'designed' and created in 1985 by Joan and Andy Homer in Irving, Texas. The company was created to serve ministries throughout the world and to change the financial future of those that seek a faith based approach to working for themselves. Premier Design Jewelry carries in stock over 700+ varieties and styles of jewelry for just about any taste. That is right, nobody. So the potential is huge, especially when you consider the compensation plan.

The best part of this compensation plan is the 50% direct sales commission available for many items. Network marketing is the name of the game. If you are comfortable however with visiting complete strangers in their homes, marketing online could help you immensely.

Premier Designs High Fashion Jewelry

Exclusive summary about Premier Jewelry by Sydnie Vawdrey

With an emphasis on quality, style and value, it is no surprise that the offerings from Premier Designs are supported by women everywhere. Premier Designs high fashion jewelry always strives to give women the opportunity to have the perfect look for every occasion.

The first thing that really helps Premier Designs stand out is the variety of designs that are available. Anytime you buy jewelry, quality is of the utmost importance. Of course, with jewelry companies like Premier Designs, which utilize independent representatives and home showings to help people discover their products, there is a certain advantage for buyers. Whether you decide to buy Premier Designs high fashion jewelry or not, what is really important is to always buy high quality jewelry from a seller that you can trust.

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Engraved Cuff Links

January 23, 2010 0 comment

engraved cuff links

Exclusive summary about Cuff Links by Benedict Perez

Engraved cuff links are decorative fasteners designed to hold the two sides of the cuff on a shirt or blouse. As fashion items perfect for the overall look, these are designed only for shirts or tops which have buttonholes on both sides but without buttons thereat. Later in the nineteenth century, businessmen started wearing cufflinks and stud sets for more casual wear, expanding beyond the traditional gala or evening event. But in the late twentieth century, shirt manufacturers began mass-producing dress and tuxedo shirts with buttons already on the cuffs.

Designs for cuff links vary widely. There are numerous styles including novelty, traditional, contemporary, utility, and humorous. Of late there are silver plated, silver square, brushed silver square, sterling silver plated, brass square, brushed silver, oval, and the Greek lettered cuff links.

Meaning of Colors for Engraved Cuff Links

Exclusive summary about Cuff Links by Danny Branch

The women who usually wear engraved cuff links are characterized to be of strong and bold personalities with the masculine prowess tempered by a touch of feminine sophistication. These handsome sorts of stuffs are great gifts for men. Women also wear them for corporate attires and for accessories on certain outfits. There are varying designs of engraved cuff links with shapes and sizes as well as colors that suit to the personal taste of the person wearing them. These clothing accessories impress an executive appearance which looks gorgeous especially on men. There are other styles which have combinations of colors or just plain colored stones to match the suit and tie being worn.

Cuff link colors have meanings. Silver is associated with a twenty fifth anniversary celebration while gold represents the fiftieth jubilee. For gift-giving purposes, you can visit some sites and inquire for the proper guide on specifics so you can have the appropriate color intended for the recipients of engraved cuff links.

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Star Sapphire Gemstones

January 18, 2010 0 comment

star sapphire gemstones

Exclusive summary about Star Sapphire Gemstones by Ron Nash

The most famous examples are star sapphire and star ruby. The value of a star gemstone depends on the clarity and distinctness of the star. Generally the star must be evaluated using a single source light such as a penlight; it is usually very difficult to see the star under diffused light. The most common stars are 4-ray and 6-ray, though 12-ray stars have been seen.

Color is also very important in a star gemstone. Ideally the color should be equivalent to a non-star specimen of the gem, but the presence of rutile in the stone tends to weaken the color. Burma and Sri Lanka are the most important sources for star ruby and star sapphire, though Thailand is famous for the black and gold star sapphires found only in Chanthaburi province. The synthetic gems tend to have perfect color and star so vivid and straight that it appears painted on the stone.

Star Sapphires - Something Different Again

Exclusive summary about Star Sapphire Gemstones by Gary Hocking

Star sapphires are different to your normal sapphire because they are not faceted. A cabochon is the rounded or domed smooth cut. The star effect comes from an inclusion. 99% of all sapphires are heat treated to enhance their colour. The value of a star sapphire or star ruby depends on the intensity of the body colour and the sharpness of the star. Star sapphires are rare but mainly because the stones are heat treated after mining and then cut with facets so the stars are never seen again. Stars are also found in other stones.

In ancient times star sapphires were particularly highly regarded as the star supposedly would assist travelers by being a guiding star.

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Mixing and Matching Jewelry

January 13, 2010 0 comment

Mix and Match Jewelry

Exclusive summary about Mixing and Matching Jewelry by Shawn Behnam

Let jewelry pieces play off one another, rather than matching them exactly. Choosing complementary pieces rather than identical pieces makes a statement, rather competing for attention.

Coordinate jewelry with the outfit
Jewelry should match the outfit. Silver accents cool colors such as white or

For prints or patterns, don't be afraid to mix and match silver and gold together. Gold earrings can bring out the gold flecks in a print, while a silver necklace can accentuate a print's deep blue background.

Choose two coordinating colors, such as red and yellow. A bright orange fire opal pendant necklace will positively sing when worn with sapphire earrings.

Rings can be worn as pendants. Any piece of jewelry can be made into almost any other piece of jewelry.

Fashion Jewelry Helps Your Outfit Shine

Exclusive summary about Mixing and Matching Jewelry by Jennifer R Scott

An anniversary ring, a diamond solitaire, or even pearl earrings all qualify as fashion jewelry. Colored stone jewelry, such as sapphire, ruby, and emerald accessories are almost all considered fashion jewelry. Brooches may seem a little old fashioned, but they are also outfit dependent jewelry.

Fashion jewelry can be worn by men as easily as women; although the items will be quite different. Where a woman might wear a tennis bracelet; a man can wear cuff links. Instead of wearing a diamond pendant; a man wears a tie clip or stud. There is a difference between a watch worn simply to tell the wearer the time; and a jewelry quality watch. So whether you are looking for watches, rings, bracelets, necklaces or cufflinks, fashion jewelry is fundamental to accessorizing.

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