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Aquamarine Jewelry

July 09, 2009 0 comment

Aquamarine Jewelry

Exclusive Summary About Aquamarine Jewelry Gemstone By Arsene Bergkamp

Birthstones are an important part of current jewelry culture. One gem that isn't as well known as some of the others is March's birthstone, which is aquamarine.

Aquamarine, which takes its name from the Latin term aqua marina (which means “water of the sea”), is a transparent light blue or blue green gem, and a member of the beryl family. Aquamarine is considered a semiprecious gemstone, with the precious gemstones being diamonds, rubies, emeralds and sapphires.

Aquamarine is not a delicate gem, the way that emeralds are, although they are both beryl gems. The largest gem of this type ever found was mined in Brazil, it weighed over 110 kg.

In aquamarine jewelry, the darker the stone is the more money it is worth.

Aquamarine - A Special Gemstone

Exclusive Summary About Aquamarine Jewelry Gemstone By Richard Ramey

A large number of people know and appreciate the gemstone aquamarine. In between 480 and 300 BC the Greeks were the ones to document aquamarine. Fortunetellers claimed to see the future in the "magic mirror" made of aquamarine. Aquamarine has been rated with a hardness of 7 on the Mohs' scale.

To clean aquamarine gemstones, clean carefully with a soft rag and soap and water. Using irradiation treatment, aquamarine colors are enhanced and imperfections are taken away. Heat treatment is used to bring out the color of the stones. This material is used frequently on aquamarine also.

You should find out if the stone is natural. If the stone doesn't have any flaws, and looks too perfect, there is a strong possibility that the stone is a fake.

A favored stone for both its color and clarity is aquamarine.

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