Engraved Cuff Links
January 23, 2010 Label: colors for engraved cuff links, cuff link colors, cuff links, cufflinks, designs for cuff links, engraved cuff links, greek lettered cuff links, women engraved cuff links 0 commentengraved cuff links
Exclusive summary about Cuff Links by Benedict Perez
Engraved cuff links are decorative fasteners designed to hold the two sides of the cuff on a shirt or blouse. As fashion items perfect for the overall look, these are designed only for shirts or tops which have buttonholes on both sides but without buttons thereat. Later in the nineteenth century, businessmen started wearing cufflinks and stud sets for more casual wear, expanding beyond the traditional gala or evening event. But in the late twentieth century, shirt manufacturers began mass-producing dress and tuxedo shirts with buttons already on the cuffs.
Designs for cuff links vary widely. There are numerous styles including novelty, traditional, contemporary, utility, and humorous. Of late there are silver plated, silver square, brushed silver square, sterling silver plated, brass square, brushed silver, oval, and the Greek lettered cuff links.
Meaning of Colors for Engraved Cuff Links
Exclusive summary about Cuff Links by Danny Branch
The women who usually wear engraved cuff links are characterized to be of strong and bold personalities with the masculine prowess tempered by a touch of feminine sophistication. These handsome sorts of stuffs are great gifts for men. Women also wear them for corporate attires and for accessories on certain outfits. There are varying designs of engraved cuff links with shapes and sizes as well as colors that suit to the personal taste of the person wearing them. These clothing accessories impress an executive appearance which looks gorgeous especially on men. There are other styles which have combinations of colors or just plain colored stones to match the suit and tie being worn.
Cuff link colors have meanings. Silver is associated with a twenty fifth anniversary celebration while gold represents the fiftieth jubilee. For gift-giving purposes, you can visit some sites and inquire for the proper guide on specifics so you can have the appropriate color intended for the recipients of engraved cuff links.
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