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Find Discount Jewelry

February 12, 2010 1 comment

find discount jewelry

Exclusive summary about Discount Jewelry by Sarah Callen

When you mention the term "discount jewelry", many people cringe and get visions in their head of jewelry that looks "cheap" or is poor quality.

Pawn Shops or Consignment Stores

One of the easiest places to find incredible deals on jewelry is at a pawn shop or consignment store. In fact, you can often save hundreds - or even thousands - of dollars on a single piece by buying through a pawn shop rather than going through a retail outlet.

Department Store Sales

Another easy place to find discount jewelry that few people think of is at department store sales. As jewelry is discontinued and replaced by new pieces, the discontinued pieces are often offered for sale at incredible prices. I've seen jewelry at department store sales for as much as 90% off retail!

Shop Online

For a stress-free shopping experience and to find some really incredible deals consider shopping for discount jewelry online. You can find many specialty shops with discount jewelry ranging from costume jewelry to high end engagement rings to designer jewelry and everything in between. Online auctions are also a great place to find amazing deals on jewelry.

Discount Fashion Jewelry

Exclusive summary about Discount Fashion Jewelry by Thomas G Gray

Do you ever consider investing in fashion jewelry, if not you should. You can buy this jewelry for a special occasion like if your young daughter is going out and you know she'll misplace the real deal. Discount jewelry can range anywhere from $1.00-50.00 depending on where you get it from or how long you want to keep it, some jewelry never gets old.

I shop at the roadium in Torrance for my jewelry and they have a wide range of fashion jewelry, very colorful, short, long, old fashioned, and new, you can buy anything from bracelets, to chokers, big hop earrings to colorful pearl stubs, I buy jewelry at least once a month, and I still have my previous jewelry put up for the next occasion.

1 comment: to “ Find Discount Jewelry so far...

  • Jesse February 12, 2010 at 8:37 PM

    just found a website called I thought the prices where pretty good. Also checked out another site call also pretty good.

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