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An Introduction to Moonstone Gems

September 28, 2009 0 comment

Moonstone Gems

Exclusive summary about Moonstone Gems By Arsene Bergkamp

Today, the many aspects of moonstone gems continue to make them a sought after stone.

The most beautiful type of moonstone is rainbow moonstone, which is a milky white to gray color with a blue and rainbow sheen that catches the light. Moonstone gems many mystical properties offer the wearer or the possessor protection and healing in different ways. Moonstones were also used to assure good crops.

Moonstone gems have also been attributed to have healing qualities, a notion generally believed in some cultures who value stones for spiritual healing.

The Many Benefits Of Moonstone

Exclusive summary about Benefits of Moonstone Gems By Priyanka Arora

The moonstone is a semi-precious stone which has a color of pearly white. Moonstones that are of the highest grade have a blue sheen that has a colorless body and a perfect clarity.

This gemstone is actually a variety of feldspar. For men, moonstones are said to be able to help in connecting to their creative side as well as their emotional side that are usually ignored. It could also enhance or improve a person's vision.

For women, moonstones are believed to be very powerful and beneficial.

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