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Opal Jewelry - The Ultimate Collection

September 13, 2009 1 comment

Opal Jewelry

Exclusive summary about Opal Jewelry By Jim A Vance
Opal is a brilliant gemstone whose shades embrace just about every hue of color imaginable. Opal jewelry worn by the ancient Romans symbolized purity and hope and it was thought to bring its wearer good luck.

The popularity of opal jewelry is once again on the rise as many have become entranced by the magnificent color displays that the opal produces. Although the opal is classified as a semi-precious stone, some varieties of the opal are extremely rare and expensive. For instance, red opals are usually more expensive than the more abundant blue opals.

Doublet or triplet opal jewelry, classified as a piece of opal that is sandwiched between two other materials is usually less expensive than the solid opal pieces. People throughout time have been fascinated and captured by the iridescent colors of opal jewelry.

The Uniqueness of Opal Jewelry
Exclusive summary about Opal Jewelry By Arsene Bergkamp
Only a few types of opal are considered to be “precious opal”, the kind that is used in jewelry.
Fire opal, a semi-opaque stone, is also used in some jewelry applications. This type of opal is yellow to orange in color, and shows fire or color play throughout the gem. A synthetic opal will always have their colors/fire appear in a grid like pattern – not randomly as would be seen in a true opal.

Wearers of opal jewelry must take care to not expose their gems to extremes. Likewise, an opal can easily be cracked under pressure – so be sure to take off any opal jewelry before doing hard labor, or even housework.

1 comment: to “ Opal Jewelry - The Ultimate Collection so far...

  • Ricky September 13, 2009 at 4:11 PM

    When you take someone's work to display on your site leave the author's resource box in place. Otherways is called stealing and it is not very nice thing to do. Please give a credit (a link back to - the original publisher of the article "Opal Jewelry - The Ultimate Collection") or remove it from your site.

    Thank you.

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