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Tips on Selling Gold

November 10, 2009 0 comment

Tips on Selling Gold

Exclusive summary about Tips on Selling Gold By Melanie Doty

Gold buyers range from a local jeweler to TV adds to send it in. Typically online buyers will pay the most for the gold. They have low overhead and buy large amounts of gold. Pawn shops will pay the least.

Reputable dealers will be willing to test anything you believe may be good gold. Items that are plated are not worth selling to a gold buyer. They contain very little gold and are not valued to buyers. Look for the GF on them standing for gold filled. It does not mean they are filled with gold, just that they are coated in gold.

Know that when you sell gold you are recycling it.

Steps to Selling Your Gold

Never sell gold to your local pawn shop. Pawn shops are in business to capitalize on people who need money in a rush. Jewelry stores are a more reputable option to selling gold. Keep in mind though they are used to buying gold at wholesale. Jewelry stores could be a good reference point.

By far the best place to sell your gold is an online buyer. You will get more to sell gold to them then anywhere else. Online hundreds of companies compete for your gold, unlike the neighborhood jeweler. Shop around to get the best price for your gold.

Selling your gold can be a easy process with the proper research.

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