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Titanium Gold Rings

November 14, 2009 0 comment

Titanium Gold Rings

Exclusive summary about Titanium Gold Rings By Julie Carson

If you are looking for a stylish and unique jewelry option, consider a titanium gold ring. If you like gold but you are concerned about its durability, pairing it with titanium is a possibility. Titanium will not tarnish and is completely hypoallergenic. Gold is often mixed with nickel. Therefore, if you have allergies to nickel, a titanium gold ring may be an option.

A titanium gold ring will be less expensive than a gold ring. Titanium is very cost effective and a beautiful ring can easily be bought for less than a hundred dollars. A titanium gold ring will give you the benefits of both metals in one piece of jewelry.

The Pros and Cons of Titanium Rings

Titanium rings are a great choice because they are very light and durable. Titanium is a good option for wedding bands because it holds up to every day wear and tear. Gold wears down over time while titanium will show very little wear, even after decades of normal use.

Titanium rings also come in many different selections and options. The affordability and ease of customization makes it a perfect choice for wedding rings. You can find a myriad of styles, cuts, and stone options on the internet. Titanium is a unique, affordable, and durable choice for jewelry. Its many positive qualities make it the perfect choice for wedding bands and everyday jewelry.

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